Educational Facilities

Damage Restoration for schools, colleges and universities

Mold, Water and Fire Damage Restoration for Schools

Did you know that students spend about 1,000 hours in school per year in the United States? This means that a large portion of many children’s lives are spent in the classroom, amongst teachers and other fellow students. While this model has proved to bode well in the way that students learn, the sheer amount of individuals within a school on a daily basis is high. This can  cause dirt, debris, germs, and more to be spread throughout the property, which is why it is so important to keep a clean, updated facility. At Green Restoration, we offer a plethora of services to ensure that this is accomplished. From restoration after storm, fire, and/or water damage, to mold and asbestos removal, we can provide you the services necessary to keep your educational facility in pristine condition.

Signs You Need Our Help

There are typically signs that will indicate when you need professional services to help revitalize your school. If you need our storm, fire, and/or water damage restoration services, it will usually be evident because an event occurred that caused the damage. However, an indication that you need mold and asbestos removal may be:

The presence of musty odor

Damp areas in multiple locations

Health symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, headaches, etc.

We can also help clean your educational facility. This would include everything from cleaning the property after a COVID-19 outbreak, to ensure that the tile floor in each classroom is scrubbed and ready for incoming students.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional

Oftentimes, property owners will attempt to remediate issues in their facility themselves. Whether it be that there is a little mold growing in a classroom, or there was water damage in a few areas of the building, the best decision you can make for the betterment of your community’s students and teachers is to call a professional. A few reasons that you should consider hiring a professional include:

It can save you time.

You can rest easy knowing that the job is done thoroughly and correctly.

We have the proper equipment, tools, and knowledge that an individual may not possess if he/she does not work in the industry.

We have many qualified staff members, which means that we also have the manpower to complete services quickly.

Don't Limit Learning

At Green Restoration, we are proud to offer a wide variety of services to help keep educational facilities in your area clean and safe. We have over three decades of industry experience, and both the equipment and manpower to ensure that your facility is cleaned to meet even the highest of standards. To learn more about our services or schedule an appointment for your educational facility, contact us today.

For more information about Green Restoration or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.