Odor Removal

Professional odor removal services

Finding and Eliminating Odor From Your Property

It’s estimated that 40 million Americans suffer from indoor allergies, and 25 million struggle with asthma attacks linked to various in-home allergens. Unpleasant odors are more than a nuisance – they can damage your belongings and furniture, and can signal the presence of potentially dangerous toxic mold and mildew. Homeowners experiencing these hazardous odors in the Hartford County area can turn to Green Restoration for help.

Signs You Need Professional Odor Removal

The longer you are living in your residence or working in a commercial business, the more situations can occur that will lead to some foul odors living in your nose. Some of these situations could be floods, fires, mold growth, etc. Microbes growing in your bathroom or in your air ducts can lead to the development of mildew and mold, which in turn triggers allergies, asthma attacks and pose a significant health risk to you and your loved ones. Also, smoke of any kind also leaves behind odor or residue that can exacerbate allergies and cause damage to belongings. The most important part of odor removal is being able to catch the signs before they become too overwhelming. These signs include:

Smell. Obviously if you are smelling a foul odor and can’t figure out where it’s coming from and no amount of air freshener will make it better, you should seek help from a professional.

Smoke. If someone in your house smokes or if there was recent fire damage, the smoke smell can stick to and strain the walls, clothes, furniture, etc. leaving a 24/7 unwanted smell.

Mold. If you see or smell mold in your home, or suspect there might be mold, don’t try to DIY remove it because you’d likely be making the situation worse and you can risk your health while doing so.

Complaints. If the first reaction someone has when entering your home is that there is a smell, it might be time to call in some help. You don’t want to be known as the “smelly home” or the “odor office”, so let us freshen the air for you.

Benefits of Odor Removal

Unwanted odors are of course an inconvenience, but they can also become a health hazard if the odor is something you are allergic to or has the ability to cause illness. No one wants to see their quality of life affected by a smell they can’t get rid of and no one wants to spend their entire paycheck buying out all the air fresheners from the store. That’s why the best option for odor removal is Green Restoration, the trained odor removal specialists. When you hire us, not only are you hiring a company with over 30 years of combined industry experience and integrity, but you’re hiring a company you can count on to get the job done. Other benefits of working with a professional odor removal company are listed below:

Professionals have the right tools for the job. We use much more than a can of Febreeze to remove the odors from your space.

We have specialized training. All of our employees are trained to detect the source of the odor and then follow best practices to remove both the cause and the smell itself in an eco-friendly, child-safe, and pet-safe way.

We help to remove odors from more than just your home. We can also elimate foul smells from your clothing, furniture, decor, etc.

Call Green Restoration When You'rE Over the Odors

When unwanted, foul odors have taken over your place of work or home residence, we know the desire to get rid of them is high. At Green Restoration, our team can be the breathe of fresh air you need. For odor removal of any kind, count on our team to aid in delivering clean and healthy breathing air once again. Contact us today to get started eliminating odors!

Find a Location

For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.