Burst and Leaking Pipes

Burst, Leaking pipe restoration specialists

Trusted Restoration Solutions For Burst and Leaking Pipes

When frozen pipes burst, it is crucial to act fast so you can control the damage. It is very easy for a small leak to turn into a nightmare in just a few hours. If you suspect a frozen pipe is leaking or that it has burst, contact a Green Restoration expert as soon as possible. The speed with which you react can be the difference between a small repair and thousands of dollars in damage. If you want to reduce restoration costs and reduce property damage caused by burst and leaking frozen pipes, below are some tips to remember.

Immediately Turn Off Your Water Supply

As soon as frozen pipes burst, you need to cut off the water supply to your entire home. Usually, the shut-off valve is located opposite the entrance of the exterior pipe, inside your home. When the valve is not accessible or does not work, turn off the entire water system through the exterior cut-off valve, which is usually located close to your meter.

Check the Electrical System

Outages and sparking are extremely dangerous after any house flooding or leaking incident. These indicate electrical system damage. Only licensed electricians should handle repairs. Whenever you suspect any problem after frozen pipes burst, you have to turn off your electricity with the breaker panel or fuse box.

Never risk your personal safety when around electricity and water. Even when you are sure the area is safe, it is still better to unplug all nearby fixtures and appliances.

Address Water Leakage and Document All Water Damage

If you have the skills do perform this step, by all means, do so. Take a clamp repair kit and stop the water leakage so you can stabilize the pipe. This is a relatively simple repair process that sees you wrap a strong rubber sleeve around the pipe that burst. You then secure it with the use of metal clamps. In most situations, this is a technique that works. However, it is just a temporary fix and you should still contact professional water damage repair specialists.

After the frozen burst pipes are controlled, it is time to document the damage. This should be done before cleanup since you will need to record damages and then show everything to your insurance provider. We are happy to assist with direct insurance billing!

Contact a Professional Water Damage Burst Pipe Repair Company

When pipes freeze in your home, we get very busy because of countless service calls. We recommend that you contact Green Restoration immediately when faced with a burst pipe situation. Get in touch with us so we can get an initial understanding of damage extent. This helps us react fast and drastically reduce repair and cleanup costs. 

When you contact a professional restoration company, you are guaranteed that a certified team will visit your home. Experts will be able to easily handle all burst pipe water damage repairs. Remember that even some minor flooding will lead to serious home problems. Call us for professional help before you proceed with the repairs.

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For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.