Emergency Board Up

Emergency Board-Up services for homes, businesses

Boarding Up and Protecting Your Property

At Green Restoration, we pride ourselves in providing ready and reliable emergency board-up solutions useful in the event of a big storm or fire. Too many times people have had to lose additional property in the wake of a natural disaster or an unfortunate home accident that leads to the damage or destruction of their property. In the event of such destruction, an emergency board up or closing service can minimize loss and make the environment as manageable as possible before further attention can be given. In order to avoid cases of increased loss and discomfort, Green Restoration can have experts on the site quickly and provide much-needed emergency support and board-up service for your home or office.

Why Do I Need Board-Up Service?

When your home or office is damaged, you may think getting straight to work on the restoration is the best course of action. Although tackling the problem quickly is important, board-up services are a necessary first step to protect your property from:

Weather Damage. Don’t let your property be further damaged by leaving it exposed to the elements.

Vandals/Looters. Although you’d like to think your undamaged belongings will be safe and that others will be respectful, that may not be the case.

Animals. Without properly sealed walls, doors and windows, just about anything can make your home, their home!

Why Green Restoration?

The highlight of our competencies at Green Restoration is in the reviews of over one-hundred clients that we have worked with. Our services are designed to bring our clients high value and convenience. Green Restoration is known for all of our home and office restoration services. Our board-up package offers our clients immediate sealing and protection solutions using plywood as the primary material. We help our clients gain some grip over the quickly unravelling problem by giving them a reliable board-up service. At Green Restoration, your comfort is our main priority, as well as the safety of all you hold dear.

Full-Service, Licensed, and Insured

Green Restoration has serviced Connecticut, Ohio, Denver and Westchester, NY for many years. We are expert board-up service providers as well as restoration specialists. Our experts are competent at providing a makeshift sealing service before performing the main correcting and restoration operation. You can trust us to serve you professionally and to deliver great results. Emergency board-up service needed? No problem! Call (833) 800-0474 for your quote and inspection.

Call Us Now!

Our team will be 100% committed to you and the area under suspicion will be investigated thoroughly. This will reveal the contaminant causing the problem, the potential source, and the extent of the problem. Air and surface samples will be collected, tested, and analyzed to identify the pollutant. Thus, any contaminated source that might have been missed at a cursory glance will be marked.

In addition, levels of harmful gases like carbon monoxide will be checked, and then a detailed report will be submitted to you. We can then discuss how you would like to proceed further and the options you have.


You will find our team is always professional and comes equipped with state-of-the-art, environmentally  friendly equipment and products.

Find a Location

For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.