Black Mold

Your Local Black mold removal specialists

Innovative and Sustainable Black Mold Removal Services

Black mold is not only disgusting, it can be hazardous to your health! If you encounter this cringe-worthy substance anywhere in your home, you likely want it gone as fast as possible. When you’re looking to keep your family and friends safe and healthy, Green Restoration can quickly and safely solve your black mold problems.

What Is Black Mold?

Black mold is from the stachybotrys mold family, and is often called toxic mold. Although not all mold that looks black in color is truly toxic, it’s nearly impossible to discern the difference with the naked eye. This mold is common after a water damage event, and has a distinctly musty smell. You should not attempt to clean or remove stachybotrys mold yourself, should discontinue living or working in an environment where it is present, and should have it professionally remediated. Despite its name, this hazardous mold can range from black to dark green in color and should not be ignored.

Symptoms of Having Black Mold

Black mold comes along with some telltale signs that you likely won’t miss. If you experience any of the following, you probably have a black mold problem in your home or business:

Persistent musty or earthy smell

Water damage including rings, spots, or discoloration

Visible growth of mold/strange colors on walls, floors or ceiling

Heightened allergy-like symptoms

Trouble breathing or heightened asthma symptoms

How To Get Rid Of Black Mold

If you have black mold in your home, you may do a quick internet search to find ways to get rid of it yourself. You’ll likely find advice on different mixtures you can use to spray and scrub the mold away. Because of the health risks that come along with black mold, we strongly recommend leaving this type of home cleaning and repair to the professionals, who can attack the issue with the proper safety gear, the right tools, and extensive training. If you’re looking for ways to prevent the growth of mold in your home, you can take some simple best practices, including cleaning up any water damage quickly, maintaining proper humidity levels and good air flow in your home, repair leaks quickly, and be sure to properly dry anything before storing it away.

Get Green Restoration, Get Mold Gone

The Green Restoration team is fully committed to providing you with a safe environment in which to live or work. Let us help you get rid of that dangerous black mold with our innovative and sustainable technologies. Our 100% biodegradable plant-based products contain no harsh chemicals, so they are safe for kids and pets, but tough on mold. Contact us today and trust our professionals to get the job done right and return your home or business to its proper condition.

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For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.