Upholstery Cleaning

trusted upholstery cleaning services

Your Local, Leading Upholstery Cleaners

We often sweep our floors and dust our hard surfaces, but upholstery cleaning can fall a little by the wayside. Unfortunately, the soft surfaces in your home do a great job of collecting dust and allergens, as well as trapping lingering odors. Upholstered furniture should indeed be cleaned regularly, but it’s often a more labor-intensive task, and so many of us don’t tackle this task as often as we should. Luckily, Green Restoration has the expertise and the innovative solutions to make your upholstery cleaning project a breeze.

Signs You Need Upholstery Cleaning

If you’re new to the world of upholstery cleaning, you may be wondering when it’s a good idea to pay your furniture some attention. There’s no hard and fast rule for how often to freshen up your upholstery, but you can keep an eye out for these signs it’s time to get cleaning:

Stains or discoloration. This one might seem obvious, but if there are tricky stains that can’t be wiped away, it’s time for a deeper clean.

Funky odors. That persistent smell needs some extra TLC to disappear for good.

Increased allergy symptoms. Whether it’s dust, pet hair, or something else entirely, dirty cushions and upholstery may have you struggling with itchy eyes, sneezing, and more.

Worn/tired-looking furniture. If your furniture looks a little worse for the wear, an upholstery cleaning can help freshen it up and give it some new life.

Water or fire damage. If the area this furniture is in recently sustained some type of damage, it’s a good idea to get it cleaned to prevent toxic particles or mold from lingering in the upholstery.

Benefits of Professional Upholstery Cleaning

You may want to tackle cleaning your upholstery on your own, which is great for regular maintenance. However, it’s a good idea to periodically get a professional cleaning done and reap the following benefits:

Deeper cleaning

Fresh smell

Better air quality in your home

Longer furniture life

Newer looking furniture

Fast results

Another benefit of professional upholstery cleaning with Green Restoration is the use of safe and environmentally-friendly cleaning products. Our methods use no harsh chemicals, and all of our biodegradable, plant-based products are tough on stains but safe for your children and pets.

Green Restoration Gets Upholstery Clean

When your upholstery needs a facelift, look no further than the Green Restoration team. Our expertise and sustainable cleaning products will get the job done quickly, safely, and effectively, every time. We’ll assess the needs of your furniture, utilize hot water extraction, and can even apply a protective coating to your cushions in order to lengthen the benefits of your service and protect against further damage. Don’t continue to put up with stained or smelly furniture- contact us today to schedule your upholstery cleaning.

Find a Location

For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.