Pet Dander Removal

Your trusted Pet Dander cleaning and Removal Service

Dog and Cat Dander Removal Services

You may have heard that pet dander in your home can trigger allergies, but do you know what it is? Although many people may think of pet hair, dander is actually small pieces of dead skin that are shed from your pets, including dogs, cats, rodents, and birds, just to name a few. Even the most conscientious pet owners will have to grapple with dander in their home, as these microscopic particles have a habit of sticking to just about every surface imaginable. Luckily, Green Restoration has the tools and expertise to remove pet dander allergens from your home.


Pet Dander: Invisible Allergens

Although it’s hard to clean something that’s too small to see, it’s important to minimize the pet dander in your home, as it can cause health issues to those allergic. Pet dander can cause itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, runny noses, and sometimes rashes. Prolonged contact can lead to developing asthma, and continued contact for those with asthma can trigger severe breathing problems. To care for anyone entering your home, keeping this allergen at bay is a must. 

Causes of Indoor Air Pollution

Several indicators hint that the air in your house or office is problematic. Sometimes there is a peculiar and permanent odor that you cannot get rid of, or perhaps you have observed deterioration in the health of your building’s inhabitants.

It is important to know what is causing the air around you to be polluted and determine whether you need an indoor air quality test. If your property is dangerously close to a factory with harmful emissions, then you’re most likely breathing contaminated air. Location plays a large part in the air you breathe.

In any case, it is best to spend a little money to give yourself some peace of mind knowing that you’re breathing healthy air rather than to develop respiratory complications that may or may not set up permanent shop in your body.

Tips to Cut Down on Pet Dander

Combatting dander in your home may seem like an overwhelming task. In order to keep it under control between professional cleanings, follow these tips:

Regular Cleaning. You may already do regular cleanings as part of your routine chores, but be sure to wipe down hard surfaces and shampoo/vacuum soft surfaces and upholstery often. This includes furniture, curtains, and carpets. There are many products on the market that specifically target pet dander.

Bathe/Groom Your Pet Regularly. Think about your pet the way you would think of any member of the family- would you go months without bathing or brushing your hair? Pets should be bathed and brushed every 1-2 weeks, and brushing should be done outside to lessen the chance of dander spreading in the home.

Use an Air Purifier. Get a HEPA air purifier, which will trap the microscopic dander particles that are causing you grief, and be sure to maintain it regularly. Not all air purifiers are created equal, so do your research and make sure the purifier you are buying is targeted for pets and allergens.

Don’t Forget the Laundry. Regularly washing blankets, pillows, bedding, curtains and anything else that will fit in the laundry machine will cut down on the dander in your home!

When to Call a Professional for Pet Dander Removal

Pet dander can attach itself to pretty much every surface in your home, which means that removing it is not an easy task. Couple that with the fact that you probably can’t see it, and it might seem close to impossible! If you’ve never had professional pet dander cleaning and removal done in your home, if it’s been a few years since you have had this service, or if your family is suffering from elevated allergy/asthma symptoms, it may be time to call in the experts.

contact Green Restoration for professional dog and cat dander removal

If you’re sick of feeling sick and think pet dander may be the culprit, don’t suffer any longer. You can rely on Green Restoration to provide thorough and professional pet dander cleaning and removal services for your home. Contact us today and start your journey to breathing and feeling better!

Find a Location

For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.