Pink Mold

Experienced Pink Mold Removal Services

Eliminating Pink Mold in the Shower, Bathroom and More

Have you found a pink substance growing in your shower? What about the sink? Pink mold is notorious for thriving in moist places, like the bathroom. While it is not the most dangerous type of mold, it can still cause harmful effects to any individuals who are exposed to it for a long period of time. That is why it is imperative to get pink mold removed as soon as possible, before it spreads and causes more damage. At Green Restoration, we utilize safe equipment and products to thoroughly clean pink mold from your bathroom, or any other areas in your home.

The Causes of Pink Mold

Though it may feel like pink mold arises into your bathroom out of thin air, this is not the case. There are likely small things you are doing, or not doing, that create the perfect living environment for this unwanted friend to continue to grow and thrive. A few of the most common causes of pink mold include:

Excess moisture; dampness. This can be combated by ensuring to turn the overhead fan on while showering, or opening a window.

Leftover mineral deposits from soap scum and fatty deposits in soap and shampoo residue. By consistently keeping your shower, tub, toilet, and sinks clean, you can minimize the chances of these deposits being left for pink mold to feed on.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional

Mold removal can be time consuming and just plain gross. Instead of breaking out the long rubber gloves and attempting to concoct a chemical cocktail that you found on the internet, it may be easier to hire a professional. You should consider hiring someone who has experience in the field because:

A professional will know which products are safe and which are not. When your family is consistently using that bathroom, you want to make sure that they are not being harmed by the chemicals meant to only harm pink mold. An experienced company will have a list of products that they have used and trusted for years, and will be able to give you a background on each product and why they continue to use it.

It will be done quicker. We have both the manpower and resources to remove the mold fast, so you can get back to using your bathroom and not being worried about safety.

You can rest easy knowing that the mold will not come back. We have helped countless clients remove mold from their home and commercial properties, and we know exactly how to remove the mold entirely. If the job is not done thoroughly and completely, there is a high chance that it will come back.

An experienced company will give you advice. They will tell you how to keep the mold at bay, so that you do not need to face the same issues again a few weeks or months down the line. These tips will also likely be specific to your situation, since they will be able to see the layout and talk to you about what might work best.

You don’t have to waste your own time. You’re busy enough! Why not call a professional company, who can get the job done while you continue to focus on more important things?

Don’t Let Pink Mold Be so Bold

Over 30 years and countless clients later, Green Restoration continues to be an advocate for health and safety within the community, and within Connecticut homes. We utilize safe practices and products to aid in the removal of harmful pink mold, and we are focused on educating our clients, so that they do not need to experience the same problems over and over. To learn more about our pink mold services or to schedule your first removal appointment, give our office a call today.

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For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.