
Mold Dehumidification Services in Your Area

Sustainable Mold Dehumidification Solutions

Most people know they dislike the feeling of high humidity, but they don’t give the air in their home much more thought than that. However, maintaining the proper level of humidity in your home or commercial building is crucial to providing a safe and comfortable environment. Don’t resign yourself to living in swamp-like conditions, and don’t ignore a muggy space that’s worsened after water damage has occurred. The team at Green Restoration has the tools to return your home or office to a comfortable and healthy environment. 

Why Do I Need Dehumidification?

Proper levels of humidity in your home can have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing. Typically, a normal humidity range is between 40-60%. If you find yourself with a humidity over 60%, your building could be susceptible to increasing levels of mold growth, and family members and guests may experience elevated asthma symptoms or trouble breathing. Levels of humidity that are too low can also affect you, causing things like dry skin, eyes, throat, and lips, itchiness and irritation, allergy-like symptoms, and increased susceptibility to colds and viruses. In addition, maintaining proper levels of humidity ensures that your HVAC system isn’t being overworked, keeping your energy costs from skyrocketing. All of this can be managed with proper dehumidification.

Pros of Hiring a Professional Company

Anyone can go out and purchase a dehumidifier, but being able to achieve the proper balance of humidity takes experience and training. A knowledgeable professional can assess your specific dehumidification needs and restore your environment to the right levels of moisture in the air. Properly placed dehumidifiers draw in the moist air and cool it down, transforming excess vapor back into water. The extra water is then disposed of, ensuring that your home is safe from lingering water damage and moisture. Experts will know exactly what equipment you need for your job and have it handy, saving you time and hassle.

Get Green Restoration for Your Humidity Needs

If your home or business has suffered water damage or it feels like you’re living in a swamp, don’t hesitate to secure dehumidification services. The longer that a room or building is wetter than it should be, the higher the likelihood further damage will occur, including mold, rot, and decay. Our team is proud to offer professional dehumidification services to make your home or commercial building safe and comfortable once again. Contact us today to start on the path to a healthier, drier environment. 

Find a Location

For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.