Water Heater Leaking

leaking water heater cleanup and restoration

Water Heater Leak Restoration Specialists

A very problematic water damage source is having a water heater that is leaking. Failed water heaters often show some significant damage because of environmental factors and age. This can cause safety hazards you have to take into account, especially when leaks appear.

Preventing Extra Flooding Damage

When a water heater leak is detected or even just suspected, it is really important to turn off the power to the entire area. Even small water amounts from leaking water tanks can lead to extremely high safety dangers. Electrical shock is prevented by turning off the power supply. Only after you take this step can you start to consider cleaning. 

After the power supply is turned off, you have to do the same with the water supply. Whenever it is difficult to turn off the water heater’s shut-off valve because of extensive flooding, just turn off the property’s main water supply. Based on water tank leak type, the water inside the tank can continue flooding. 

After the power and water supplies are turned off, try to soak up the standing water. A mop or towels can be used. Then, the best thing you can do is to contact water removal specialists. 

Acting quickly prevents the appearance of additional water damage and the formation of mold or mildew. If you cannot turn off water or power supplies, contact Green Restoration’s specialists to keep your family safe.

Water Heater Leaking Cleanup

After the leak is under control, the water tank needs to be replaced or repaired. If this is not done as soon as possible, the flood will continue. Remember that water heater leaks never disappear. They can only get a lot worse in time. Some common reasons why water heaters leak include problems with:

Temperature relief valves

Pressure relief valves

Drain valves

Water inlets

The Cleanup Process

After water flow is stopped, the clean up process can start. The Green Restoration professionals perform the following steps:

We double-check all electronics and appliances are unplugged and that there is no immediate safety concern.

We transfer all the movable furniture and rugs to a completely dry area.

We remove all the standing water in the affected area with professional equipment.

We set up dehumidifiers and fans to start removing all the excess moisture and circulate the air.

The last step involves the homeowner because we have to discuss the repairs that are needed, based on the extent of the water heater leaking damage caused.

Professional Help for Your Leaking Water Heater

It is essential to protect yourself, your home, and respect all safety factors when water damage cleanup is needed due to a broken water heater. Repairing, investigating, and mitigating all the damage caused by the leak has to include safety precautions, thorough cleaning, and extensive drying. Qualified, licensed professionals are better equipped to manage every single step of the water heater leaking cleanup process.

Water is capable of destroying any property in a short period of time. You have to act fast to clean, dry, and restore the water heater flooding damage. This drastically lowers the risk of developing hazardous mold. Also, based on how much water was discharged by the heater, professional equipment may be necessary. Green Restoration can come to your home at any point of day or night to help you, contact us today!

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For more information about air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or click the button below to find a location closest to you.

For more information on air quality testing or to schedule service, call us at (833) 800-0474 or visit our contact page.