Preventing Winter Mold in Your Home

You might associate mold with the humid summer months. Unfortunately, mold is a threat all year round. Even in the winter, you should be on the lookout for mold growth in your home.

What Are Some Causes of Winter Mold?

Here are some of the top causes of winter mold growth.

  • Roof leaks. Falling tree branches, hail, and the weight of ice or snow can damage your roof, allowing water inside. Wherever there’s water damage in your home, mold can grow.
  • Burst pipes. In the cold winter months, water in uninsulated or unheated pipes can freeze. Ice in your pipes takes up more room than water, and it can displace the unfrozen water, greatly increasing pressure in the pipe. If the pressure grows enough, the pipe will burst at a weak point. This can cause huge amounts of water damage in a short amount of time. Since many pipes are behind walls or under cabinets, it’s easy to miss some of the water damage, allowing mold to grow in a damp, dark place.
  • Humidity and condensation. During the winter, condensation can occur in your attic when the heated air inside your home hits the cold surface of your ceiling. Even this amount of water can lead to mold, and in a low-traffic area like your attic, mold can grow unnoticed.

When Should I Call a Professional?

How do you know when you might have mold? And when is it time to call in a professional?

  • If you have any water damage. Once you have water damage in your home, you should suspect mold might follow. A professional mold inspector can help you find mold in hard-to-reach places, like under cabinets. You should call a professional mold inspector after any significant water damage in your home.
  • If there is high humidity. High humidity and condensation should also be monitored, as over time they can provide an environment for mold growth. 
  • If you see or smell mold. Most large mold infestations can be seen or smelled. If you think you smell something musty or moldy, call an inspector.

Once you or an inspector find mold, a mold remediation professional can help you entirely eliminate the mold and fix the root cause. Mold remediation is a thorough process that contains, cleans, and removes mold, then addresses the causes of the mold to ensure it won’t grow back.

Green Restoration Can Help

At Green Restoration, we are mold remediation experts. We use EPA-certified products to clean your home safely and effectively. Call you homeowner’s insurance to see if your policy will cover some of the cost. We are happy to work with insurance providers and offer direct billing. Contact us today and let us help take care of your mold problem for good.